Большая распродажа

Краска акриловая "VISTA-ARTISTA" Studio глянцевая VAAG-75 75 мл 29 Лимонный (Lemon Yellow)

0 отзывов
Краска акриловая VISTA-ARTISTA Studio глянцевая VAAG-75 75 мл 29 Лимонный (Lemon Yellow) Фото 1.
Краска акриловая VISTA-ARTISTA Studio глянцевая VAAG-75 75 мл 29 Лимонный (Lemon Yellow) Фото 2.
Краска акриловая VISTA-ARTISTA Studio глянцевая VAAG-75 75 мл 29 Лимонный (Lemon Yellow) Фото 3.
Краска акриловая VISTA-ARTISTA Studio глянцевая VAAG-75 75 мл 29 Лимонный (Lemon Yellow) Фото 4.
Краска акриловая VISTA-ARTISTA Studio глянцевая VAAG-75 75 мл 29 Лимонный (Lemon Yellow) Фото 5.
Краска акриловая VISTA-ARTISTA Studio глянцевая VAAG-75 75 мл 29 Лимонный (Lemon Yellow) Фото 1. Краска акриловая VISTA-ARTISTA Studio глянцевая VAAG-75 75 мл 29 Лимонный (Lemon Yellow) Фото 2. Краска акриловая VISTA-ARTISTA Studio глянцевая VAAG-75 75 мл 29 Лимонный (Lemon Yellow) Фото 3. Краска акриловая VISTA-ARTISTA Studio глянцевая VAAG-75 75 мл 29 Лимонный (Lemon Yellow) Фото 4. Краска акриловая VISTA-ARTISTA Studio глянцевая VAAG-75 75 мл 29 Лимонный (Lemon Yellow) Фото 5.

*Цвет на фото может незначительно отличаться


Художественные акриловые краски Vista-Artista Studio
Универсальны и удобны в обращении. Отличаются высокой светостойкостью, водо- и термоустойчивостью, а также плотным сцеплением с поверхностью. Быстро сохнут, обладают хорошей покрывной способностью и прекрасной яркостью цвета.
- объем 75 мл;
- пластиковая туба;
- 38 основных цветов;
- глянцевый эффект после высыхания.

Незначительная отсечка связующего не влияет на потребительские свойства продукта. Рекомендации: по возможности, держать тубу в вертикальном положении, перед использованием встряхнуть, после выдавливания краски из тубы - перемешать кистью или мастихином.
Полное описание

Коротко о товаре

Страна происхождения
для рисования
Тип товара
В наборе
Все характеристики
Наличие в магазинах


Художественные акриловые краски Vista-Artista Studio
Универсальны и удобны в обращении. Отличаются высокой светостойкостью, водо- и термоустойчивостью, а также плотным сцеплением с поверхностью. Быстро сохнут, обладают хорошей покрывной способностью и прекрасной яркостью цвета.
- объем 75 мл;
- пластиковая туба;
- 38 основных цветов;
- глянцевый эффект после высыхания.

Незначительная отсечка связующего не влияет на потребительские свойства продукта. Рекомендации: по возможности, держать тубу в вертикальном положении, перед использованием встряхнуть, после выдавливания краски из тубы - перемешать кистью или мастихином.


Страна происхождения
для рисования
Тип товара
В наборе


Объем, мл
Тип упаковки
в тубе
Живопись акрилом «Магия свечи»

Берите в руки кисточку, краски, присоединяйтесь к мастер-классу!

Картины Акрилом «Март. Апрель. Май»

Три картины, связанные общим весенним сюжетом, станут украшением вашего дома.

Новогодняя игрушка «Символ года»

Изготавливаем из полимерной глины авторское украшение для новогодней ёлки.

Осеннее панно «Тыква»

Оригинальный декор в виде тыквы – роспись акриловыми красками и детали из гофробумаги.

Бесплатный мастер-класс по живописи акрилом «Сочный инжир»

Онлайн-мастерская «Леонардо» приглашает всех желающих порисовать вместе в прямом эфире. Творческие занятия оказывают благотворное влияние, хотите убедиться в этом?

Главная Каталог Чат Корзина0 Профиль
DEBUG enable
Num SQL queries:115
Num fetched rows:428
including array rows:6
Time of script run:0.19547986984253
Time of SQL queries:0.17702579498291
Timers out:
Счетчик "Подгототовка страницы", время выполнения - 0.0019с
Счетчик "ModIshopGood Good statistic", время выполнения - 0с
Счетчик "ModIshopGood bread", время выполнения - 0.0006с
Счетчик "ModIshopGood photos", время выполнения - 0.0015с
Счетчик "ModIshopGood main data", время выполнения - 0.0262с
Счетчик "ModIshopGood params", время выполнения - 0.0013с
Счетчик "ModIshopGood Nalichie", время выполнения - 0.1509с
Счетчик "ModIshopGood mklass", время выполнения - 0.0001с
Счетчик "Start GetDeliveryList", время выполнения - 0с
Счетчик "Get DeliveryList from cache", время выполнения - 0.0002с
Счетчик "DeliveryList transforms", время выполнения - 0.0001с
Счетчик "ModIshopGood delivery", время выполнения - 0с
Счетчик "Module=ishop", время выполнения - 0.1829с
Счетчик "Block=stat", время выполнения - 0.0001с
Счетчик "Block=cssstylescard", время выполнения - 0с
Счетчик "Block=headcardjs", время выполнения - 0с
Счетчик "Block=header", время выполнения - 0.0001с
Счетчик "Block=catalogtree", время выполнения - 0.0007с
Счетчик "Block=retailrocketblocks", время выполнения - 0.0001с
Счетчик "Block=footer", время выполнения - 0.0002с
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Счетчик "Block=footercardjs", время выполнения - 0.0001с
Счетчик "Block=ganalitics", время выполнения - 0.0001с
Счетчик "Block=metrika", время выполнения - 0.0002с
Счетчик "Block=jivosite", время выполнения - 0.0002с
Счетчик "Block=statmailru", время выполнения - 0.0001с

SELECT new_link FROM leo_redirect WHERE old_link = "/ishop/good_66856337014/" AND active = 1 # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.00021195411682129

SELECT id_city FROM leo_city_preffered WHERE city='Astana' ORDER BY `lock` DESC,countEnt DESC LIMIT 1; # Num rows -1Run time:Time of run:0.00014495849609375

SELECT id_city,path,name,ishop_id,ishop_name,kladr_id,country_id,utc,largest_dep_id,final_sale FROM leo_city WHERE path='astana'; # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00018405914306641

SELECT index_id,title,domen FROM leonardo_kz_ru.leo_index WHERE parent_index_id=0 AND alias LIKE 'ishop' LIMIT 1; # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.0002589225769043

SELECT index_id,title,domen FROM leonardo_kz_ru.leo_index WHERE parent_index_id=2 AND alias LIKE 'good_66856337014' LIMIT 1; # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.00019407272338867

SELECT title,template_id,content,domen,index_id FROM leonardo_kz_ru.leo_index WHERE index_id=2; # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00016093254089355

SELECT html FROM leonardo_kz_ru.leo_template WHERE template_id=22 # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00015711784362793

SELECT metatag FROM leonardo_kz_ru.leo_index WHERE index_id = 2 # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00014877319335938

SELECT personaldata FROM leo_clients_unregistered WHERE client_id = -1 # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.00012803077697754

UPDATE leo_clients_unregistered SET personaldata = '{"exp2":"expS1"}' WHERE client_id = -1 # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.0001380443572998

SELECT client_id FROM leo_clients_unregistered WHERE register_code='88ee1dc2b8e6e1e24b2c4bad0683b59ff124af42' # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.00070691108703613

INSERT INTO leo_clients_unregistered (register_code,last_login) VALUES ('88ee1dc2b8e6e1e24b2c4bad0683b59ff124af42',1732198842) # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00020694732666016

SELECT client_id FROM leo_clients_unregistered WHERE register_code='88ee1dc2b8e6e1e24b2c4bad0683b59ff124af42' # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00020408630371094

SELECT t2.id_detail,t2.id_good,CONCAT_WS(' ',t4.f_tree_fullname,t1.goodname,t2.detailname) AS f1,CONCAT_WS('\n\n',t1.gooddescr,t6.detaildescr) AS f2, 0 AS none ,t1.id_tree,t1.dimension,t1.price, NULL, t1.f_tree_id FROM leo_details AS t2 LEFT JOIN leo_goods AS t1 ON t2.id_good=t1.id_good LEFT JOIN leo_tistree AS t4 ON t4.f_tree_id=t1.f_tree_id LEFT JOIN leo_detail_desc AS t6 ON t2.id_detail=t6.id_detail WHERE t2.id_detail=66856337014 ORDER BY f1; # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00031018257141113

SELECT t1.id_tree,t1.treename,t2.id_tree,t2.treename,t3.id_tree,t3.treename,t4.id_tree,t4.treename,t5.id_tree,t5.treename FROM leo_tree_goods AS tn LEFT JOIN leo_tree AS t1 ON tn.id_tree=t1.id_tree LEFT JOIN leo_tree AS t2 ON t1.shop_tree_id=t2.id_tree LEFT JOIN leo_tree AS t3 ON t2.shop_tree_id=t3.id_tree LEFT JOIN leo_tree AS t4 ON t3.shop_tree_id=t4.id_tree LEFT JOIN leo_tree AS t5 ON t4.shop_tree_id=t5.id_tree WHERE tn.id_good=66856292484 # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00027799606323242

SELECT t1.id,t1.discount_id,t1.discount_value,t1.discountprice_value,t1.discount_from,t1.discountcode,t1.discount_start,t2.discount_description,t2.discount_type FROM leo_clients_discounts_unregistered AS t1 LEFT JOIN leo_discounts AS t2 ON t1.discount_id=t2.discount_id WHERE t1.client_id=556222190 AND t1.discount_start<NOW() AND t1.discount_end>NOW(); # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.00023603439331055

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856337014 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00028586387634277

SELECT FileName FROM images.goods_photo WHERE GoodId=66856292484 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00024914741516113

SELECT videolink,preview FROM images.goods_video WHERE GoodId=66856292484 AND (DetailId=0 OR DetailId=66856337014) # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.00018095970153809

SELECT * FROM leo_goods_params AS t1,leo_actions AS t2 WHERE t1.id_good=66856292484 AND t1.id_param=-5 AND t1.value=t2.tisname AND t2.typeid > 0 AND t2.visible = 1 AND startaction<NOW() AND endaction>NOW() AND (t2.region=0 || t2.region=3) # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.0022430419921875

SELECT count(*) FROM `leo_details` AS t1, leo_goods_params AS t2 WHERE t1.`id_good`=t2.id_good AND t1.`id_detail` = 66856337014 AND t2.id_param=72250129794 # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00033998489379883

SELECT t2.id_detail,t2.detailname,t2.colorcode, t3.goodname FROM leo_details AS t2 LEFT JOIN leo_goods AS t3 ON t2.id_good=t3.id_good WHERE t2.id_good=66856292484 GROUP BY t2.id_detail ORDER BY t2.detailname ASC # Num rows 38Run time:Time of run:0.00039577484130859

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856337054 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00027704238891602

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856337054 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.0003058910369873

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856336374 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00026488304138184

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856336374 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00021100044250488

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856336744 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00028800964355469

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856336744 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00029802322387695

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856336984 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00025105476379395

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856336984 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00021791458129883

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=85935756954 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00021696090698242

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=85935756954 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.0002291202545166

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=85935756264 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00030803680419922

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=85935756264 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00021791458129883

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856336034 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00032210350036621

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856336034 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00022602081298828

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856336614 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00023198127746582

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856336614 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00021481513977051

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856336454 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00039982795715332

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856336454 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00024199485778809

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856336794 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.0002739429473877

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856336794 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00020503997802734

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856336204 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00029087066650391

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856336204 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00025200843811035

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856336574 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00028014183044434

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856336574 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.0002751350402832

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856336294 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00024199485778809

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856336294 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00026392936706543

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856336714 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00023603439331055

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856336714 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00020790100097656

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856336694 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00025200843811035

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856336694 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00024104118347168

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856336394 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00019001960754395

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856336394 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00018405914306641

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856336974 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00020790100097656

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856336974 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00020194053649902

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856336404 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.0001838207244873

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856336404 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.0002140998840332

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856335524 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00021100044250488

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856335524 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00018501281738281

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856336474 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00019001960754395

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856336474 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00023484230041504

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856336934 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.0001988410949707

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856336934 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00019478797912598

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856337844 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00020003318786621

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856337844 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00019097328186035

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856336774 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00022697448730469

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856336774 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00023388862609863

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856337904 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00027203559875488

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856337904 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00027108192443848

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856333434 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00023794174194336

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856333434 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00023508071899414

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856293284 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.0002140998840332

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856293284 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00020289421081543

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856336644 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00022006034851074

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856336644 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00023698806762695

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856337014 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00019097328186035

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856337014 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.0001981258392334

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856336124 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00018501281738281

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856336124 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00018095970153809

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856336964 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 4Run time:Time of run:0.0002140998840332

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856336994 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00023198127746582

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856336994 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00021100044250488

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856337984 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00023102760314941

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856337984 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00025701522827148

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856335794 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00019407272338867

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856335794 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00018215179443359

SELECT card FROM leonardo_kz_test.leo_goods_cards WHERE cardid='d66856335794' # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00018119812011719

SELECT id_city, dep_id FROM leo_shops WHERE work = 1 # Num rows 143Run time:Time of run:0.00049495697021484

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856337934 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00020790100097656

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856337934 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00020098686218262

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856336514 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00022101402282715

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856336514 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00020790100097656

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856335984 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00019383430480957

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856335984 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00018906593322754

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856336684 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00022101402282715

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856336684 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00019001960754395

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856336854 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00023388862609863

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=66856336854 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00018501281738281

SELECT gooddescr FROM leo_goods_desc WHERE id_good=66856292484 # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.00015497207641602

SELECT t2.name,t1.value,t1.id_param FROM leo_goods_params AS t1 LEFT JOIN params AS t2 ON t1.id_param=t2.id_param WHERE t1.id_good=66856292484 AND t1.id_param!=-5 ORDER BY t2.name,t1.value; # Num rows 20Run time:Time of run:0.00034809112548828

SELECT t2.name,t1.value, t1.id_param FROM leo_details_params AS t1 LEFT JOIN paramsd AS t2 ON t1.id_param=t2.id_param WHERE t1.id_detail=66856337014 ORDER BY t2.name,t1.value; # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00025606155395508

SELECT t2.filename, t2.id_purpose, t2.id_good, t2.id_detail, t2.filetype FROM images.goodfiles AS t2 WHERE (id_good = 66856292484 OR id_detail = 66856337014) AND t2.filename LIKE "%.pdf%" ORDER BY t2.filename # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.000244140625

SELECT * FROM images.good_links WHERE id_good=66856292484 # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00014901161193848

SELECT * FROM images.good_links WHERE id_good=66856292484 # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00012302398681641

SELECT * FROM images.goodlinks WHERE id_goodlink = 66856292484 OR id_good=66856292484 # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.043616056442261

SELECT * FROM( SELECT id_goodlink AS id_goods,id_detail FROM images.goodlinks WHERE id_good=66856292484 AND id_goodlink!=66856292484 AND linktype=3110748592 GROUP BY `id_goodlink` UNION ALL SELECT id_good AS id_goods,id_detail FROM images.goodlinks WHERE id_good!=66856292484 AND id_goodlink=66856292484 AND linktype=3110748592 GROUP BY `id_good` )T GROUP BY id_goods # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.10386800765991

SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE t4.id_tree,goodname,gooddescr,dimension,f_tree_id,cardtype,tis_fullname,prepic,detailcount,goodrating,oncedetail,price,good_id,t1.id_good,t1.discount FROM leo_goods AS t1 LEFT JOIN leo_goods_month ON t1.id_good=leo_goods_month.good_id LEFT JOIN leo_tree_goods AS t4 ON t1.id_good=t4.id_good WHERE t1.id_good=20769932042 LIMIT 1; # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.00031709671020508

SELECT value FROM leo_reviews_onpages WHERE id_good=85103291934; # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.0001671314239502

SELECT `rating` FROM `leo_reviews` WHERE `good_id` = 85103291934 AND `status` = 1 # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.00015091896057129

SELECT * FROM images.goodlinks WHERE id_good=66856292484 # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00018477439880371

SELECT * FROM( SELECT id_goodlink AS id_goods,id_detail FROM images.goodlinks WHERE id_good=66856292484 AND id_goodlink!=66856292484 AND linktype=105 GROUP BY `id_goodlink` )T GROUP BY id_goods # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.00024700164794922

SELECT leo_mclasses.* FROM leo_mclasses,leo_mclasses_goods,leo_details WHERE visible=1 AND leo_mclasses.id=leo_mclasses_goods.id_mclasses AND (leo_mclasses_goods.id_detail=66856337014 OR leo_mclasses_goods.id_good=leo_details.id_good) AND leo_details.id_detail=66856337014 GROUP BY leo_mclasses.id ORDER BY leo_mclasses.id DESC LIMIT 5; # Num rows 5Run time:Time of run:0.0011179447174072

SELECT html FROM leonardo_kz_ru.leo_template WHERE template_id=21 # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00031518936157227

SELECT new_link FROM leo_canonical WHERE old_link = "/ishop/good_66856337014/" AND active = 1 # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.00016999244689941