Большая распродажа

Нитки для вышивания мулине "Радуга" ( 401-708 ) 50% шерсть, 50% акрил 15 м

0 отзывов
Нитки для вышивания мулине Радуга ( 401-708 ) 50% шерсть, 50% акрил 15 м Фото 1.

*Цвет на фото может незначительно отличаться


Мулине ТМ "Радуга". Шерстяные нитки для вышивания и рукоделия.

8 шт/30 м = 15 м в 2 сложения.

Состав: 50% шерсть, 50% акрил.

Полное описание

Коротко о товаре

Страна происхождения
для вышивания
Тип товара
В наборе
Все характеристики Наличие в магазинах


Мулине ТМ "Радуга". Шерстяные нитки для вышивания и рукоделия.

8 шт/30 м = 15 м в 2 сложения.

Состав: 50% шерсть, 50% акрил.


Страна происхождения
для вышивания
Тип товара
В наборе


Намотка, м
50% шерсть, 50% акрил
Тип упаковки
Главная Каталог Чат Корзина0 Профиль
DEBUG enable
Num SQL queries:115
Num fetched rows:404
including array rows:3
Time of script run:0.49126100540161
Time of SQL queries:0.4752254486084
Timers out:
Счетчик "Подгототовка страницы", время выполнения - 0.0015с
Счетчик "ModIshopGroup Good statistic", время выполнения - 0.0002с
Счетчик "ModIshopGroup Bread", время выполнения - 0.0003с
Счетчик "ModIshopGroup Photos", время выполнения - 0.0011с
Счетчик "ModIshopGroup Main content", время выполнения - 0.023с
Счетчик "ModIshopGroup Params", время выполнения - 0.0006с
Счетчик "ModIshopGroup Rate", время выполнения - 0.4521с
Счетчик "ModIshopGroup Mk", время выполнения - 0с
Счетчик "Start GetDeliveryList", время выполнения - 0с
Счетчик "Get DeliveryList from cache", время выполнения - 0.0002с
Счетчик "DeliveryList transforms", время выполнения - 0.0001с
Счетчик "ModIshopGroup Delivery", время выполнения - 0.0001с
Счетчик "Module=ishop", время выполнения - 0.4802с
Счетчик "Block=stat", время выполнения - 0.0001с
Счетчик "Block=cssstylescard", время выполнения - 0с
Счетчик "Block=headcardjs", время выполнения - 0с
Счетчик "Block=header", время выполнения - 0.0001с
Счетчик "Block=catalogtree", время выполнения - 0.0007с
Счетчик "Block=footer", время выполнения - 0.0002с
Счетчик "Block=appdownload", время выполнения - 0.0001с
Счетчик "Block=footercardjs", время выполнения - 0.0001с
Счетчик "Block=ganalitics", время выполнения - 0.0001с
Счетчик "Block=metrika", время выполнения - 0.0001с
Счетчик "Block=jivosite", время выполнения - 0.0001с
Счетчик "Block=statmailru", время выполнения - 0.0001с

SELECT new_link FROM leo_redirect WHERE old_link = "/ishop/group_31136203712/" AND active = 1 # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.00021195411682129

SELECT id_city FROM leo_city_preffered WHERE city='Astana' ORDER BY `lock` DESC,countEnt DESC LIMIT 1; # Num rows -1Run time:Time of run:0.00013613700866699

SELECT id_city,path,name,ishop_id,ishop_name,kladr_id,country_id,utc,largest_dep_id,final_sale FROM leo_city WHERE path='astana'; # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00016689300537109

SELECT index_id,title,domen FROM leonardo_kz_ru.leo_index WHERE parent_index_id=0 AND alias LIKE 'ishop' LIMIT 1; # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.0001678466796875

SELECT index_id,title,domen FROM leonardo_kz_ru.leo_index WHERE parent_index_id=2 AND alias LIKE 'group_31136203712' LIMIT 1; # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.00015020370483398

SELECT title,template_id,content,domen,index_id FROM leonardo_kz_ru.leo_index WHERE index_id=2; # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00013113021850586

SELECT html FROM leonardo_kz_ru.leo_template WHERE template_id=22 # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00015902519226074

SELECT metatag FROM leonardo_kz_ru.leo_index WHERE index_id = 2 # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00011587142944336

SELECT personaldata FROM leo_clients_unregistered WHERE client_id = -1 # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.00011801719665527

UPDATE leo_clients_unregistered SET personaldata = '{"exp2":"expS1"}' WHERE client_id = -1 # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.00013303756713867

SELECT client_id FROM leo_clients_unregistered WHERE register_code='68e080cb2f41d661e1a6817298cbbe30aadd95e0' # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.00076103210449219

INSERT INTO leo_clients_unregistered (register_code,last_login) VALUES ('68e080cb2f41d661e1a6817298cbbe30aadd95e0',1732178361) # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.0001828670501709

SELECT client_id FROM leo_clients_unregistered WHERE register_code='68e080cb2f41d661e1a6817298cbbe30aadd95e0' # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00021004676818848

SELECT t1.id_good,concat(t4.f_tree_fullname,' ',t1.goodname) AS f1, t1.gooddescr,0,t1.id_tree,t1.dimension,t1.price, NULL, t1.f_tree_id FROM leo_goods AS t1 LEFT JOIN leo_tistree AS t4 ON t4.f_tree_id=t1.f_tree_id WHERE t1.id_good=31136203712 LIMIT 1; # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.0002129077911377

SELECT t1.id_detail,t1.detailname FROM leo_details AS t1 WHERE t1.id_good=31136203712 ORDER BY t1.detailname # Num rows 74Run time:Time of run:0.00047588348388672

SELECT MIN(id_detail) FROM leo_details WHERE id_good=31136203712 # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00014591217041016

SELECT t1.id_tree,t1.treename,t2.id_tree,t2.treename,t3.id_tree,t3.treename,t4.id_tree,t4.treename,t5.id_tree,t5.treename FROM leo_tree_goods AS tn LEFT JOIN leo_tree AS t1 ON tn.id_tree=t1.id_tree LEFT JOIN leo_tree AS t2 ON t1.shop_tree_id=t2.id_tree LEFT JOIN leo_tree AS t3 ON t2.shop_tree_id=t3.id_tree LEFT JOIN leo_tree AS t4 ON t3.shop_tree_id=t4.id_tree LEFT JOIN leo_tree AS t5 ON t4.shop_tree_id=t5.id_tree WHERE tn.id_good=31136203712 # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00027608871459961

SELECT t1.id,t1.discount_id,t1.discount_value,t1.discountprice_value,t1.discount_from,t1.discountcode,t1.discount_start,t2.discount_description,t2.discount_type FROM leo_clients_discounts_unregistered AS t1 LEFT JOIN leo_discounts AS t2 ON t1.discount_id=t2.discount_id WHERE t1.client_id=556156174 AND t1.discount_start<NOW() AND t1.discount_end>NOW(); # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.00020813941955566

SELECT FileName FROM images.goods_photo WHERE GoodId=31136203712 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00023603439331055

SELECT videolink,preview FROM images.goods_video WHERE GoodId=31136203712 # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.0001678466796875

SELECT * FROM leo_goods_params AS t1,leo_actions AS t2 WHERE t1.id_good=31136203712 AND t1.id_param=-5 AND t1.value=t2.tisname AND t2.typeid > 0 AND t2.visible = 1 AND startaction<NOW() AND endaction>NOW() AND (t2.region=0 || t2.region=3) # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.0019659996032715

SELECT count(*) FROM `leo_details` AS t1, leo_goods_params AS t2 WHERE t1.`id_good`=t2.id_good AND t1.`id_good` = 31136203712 AND t2.id_param=65531636804 # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00018596649169922

SELECT value FROM leo_reviews_onpages WHERE id_good=31136203712; # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00013613700866699

SELECT `rating` FROM `leo_reviews` WHERE `good_id` = 31136203712 AND `status` = 1 # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.00014805793762207

SELECT value FROM leo_reviews_onpages WHERE id_good=31136203712; # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00011777877807617

SELECT `rating` FROM `leo_reviews` WHERE `good_id` = 31136203712 AND `status` = 1 # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.00020408630371094

SELECT t2.id_detail,t2.detailname,t2.colorcode FROM leo_details AS t2 WHERE t2.id_good=31136203712 GROUP BY t2.id_detail ORDER BY t2.detailname ASC # Num rows 74Run time:Time of run:0.00034809112548828

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136242752 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.0002140998840332

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136226122 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00020599365234375

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136249712 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00020194053649902

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136248592 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00019001960754395

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136215162 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.0001978874206543

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136212332 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00019001960754395

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136226432 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00020194053649902

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136245772 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00019598007202148

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136241512 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.0001828670501709

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136218162 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00021004676818848

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136238712 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00018596649169922

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136226542 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00018501281738281

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136226642 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00019407272338867

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136226832 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00018882751464844

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136227062 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00019407272338867

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136227212 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00019192695617676

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136227382 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00017404556274414

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136252472 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00020790100097656

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136262112 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00023889541625977

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136558082 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00019192695617676

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136560462 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00019311904907227

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136571402 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00019216537475586

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136573492 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00018215179443359

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136576882 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00019001960754395

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136578532 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00019001960754395

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136239602 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00017499923706055

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136220032 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00018811225891113

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136222452 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00019097328186035

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136212452 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00018596649169922

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136222492 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00017905235290527

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136239162 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00018692016601562

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136212842 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.0002138614654541

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136227762 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00018811225891113

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136234412 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00019407272338867

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136228242 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00017786026000977

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136228682 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00022006034851074

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136236972 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00018095970153809

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136222532 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00020408630371094

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136249222 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00020098686218262

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136253822 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00018095970153809

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136250752 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00019097328186035

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136250292 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00018215179443359

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31160094812 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00018692016601562

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31160112502 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00019121170043945

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31160129222 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00021100044250488

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31160146942 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00017213821411133

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31160163112 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00018811225891113

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31160170282 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00017499923706055

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31160173862 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00018191337585449

SELECT card FROM leonardo_kz_test.leo_goods_cards WHERE cardid='d31160173862' # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00017499923706055

SELECT id_city, dep_id FROM leo_shops WHERE work = 1 # Num rows 143Run time:Time of run:0.00045490264892578

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136222702 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00020289421081543

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136229662 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00018596649169922

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136230222 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00018000602722168

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136240962 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00018787384033203

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136223332 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00018095970153809

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136244662 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00016593933105469

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136224252 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00061511993408203

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136231032 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00018000602722168

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136257392 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00021219253540039

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136258422 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00016498565673828

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136260132 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00017690658569336

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136260812 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00018501281738281

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136262072 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00016999244689941

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31160854222 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00015592575073242

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31160854222 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00016212463378906

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31160833362 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00016379356384277

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31160835482 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 3Run time:Time of run:0.00017690658569336

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31162440882 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00017714500427246

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136231932 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00017189979553223

SELECT card FROM leonardo_kz_test.leo_goods_cards WHERE cardid='d31136231932' # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00016903877258301

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136224322 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.0001671314239502

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136225072 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00016903877258301

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136225762 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00017619132995605

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136225932 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00016093254089355

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136233322 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00017499923706055

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136226002 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00016498565673828

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=31136244132 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00017809867858887

SELECT gooddescr FROM leo_goods_desc WHERE id_good=31136203712 # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.00017380714416504

SELECT t2.name,t1.value,t1.id_param FROM leo_goods_params AS t1 LEFT JOIN params AS t2 ON t1.id_param=t2.id_param WHERE t1.id_good=31136203712 AND t1.id_param!=-5 ORDER BY t2.name,t1.value; # Num rows 13Run time:Time of run:0.0002741813659668

SELECT * FROM images.good_links WHERE id_good=31136203712 # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.00013899803161621

SELECT * FROM images.good_links WHERE id_good=31136203712 # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.00011181831359863

SELECT * FROM images.goodlinks WHERE id_goodlink = 31136203712 OR id_good=31136203712 # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.037436962127686

SELECT * FROM images.goodlinks WHERE id_good=31136203712 # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.00016593933105469

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM leo_reviews WHERE good_id=31136203712 AND status=1 # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.0001370906829834

SELECT leo_mclasses.* FROM leo_mclasses,leo_mclasses_goods,leo_details WHERE visible=1 AND leo_mclasses.id=leo_mclasses_goods.id_mclasses AND (leo_mclasses_goods.id_good=31136203712 OR leo_mclasses_goods.id_detail=leo_details.id_detail) AND leo_details.id_good=31136203712 GROUP BY leo_mclasses.id ORDER BY leo_mclasses.id DESC LIMIT 5; # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.41342115402222

SELECT html FROM leonardo_kz_ru.leo_template WHERE template_id=21 # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00023794174194336

SELECT new_link FROM leo_canonical WHERE old_link = "/ishop/group_31136203712/" AND active = 1 # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.00019311904907227